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Plant Foods Contain Important Nutrients

Nov 27

Some experts feel that people who eat mostly plant-based foods are malnourished in some way. However, research indicates that plant-based foods provide many nutrients that cannot be obtained through animal products. For example, lutein and zeaxanthin are only found in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A is found in leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, broccoli, cantaloupe and apricots. Of course there are many more sources of these nutrients found in plant foods.


Protein is also an important nutrient found in plant foods. Some of this protein is complete, meaning that the amino acids within the protein are exactly what our bodies need. Other proteins are incomplete or missing some of these essential aminos. However, it is easy to get all of the amino acids by eating a variety of plant foods.

Vegan, vegetarian, and low-meat diets are all linked to statistically significant improvements in quality of life and modest increases in lifespan. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases are less likely to occur.

Vegetarians have been shown to have a reduced risk for obesity compared with non-vegetarian adults. Vegan diets appear to be helpful in maintaining a low body mass index (BMI).

An essential part of a healthy vegan diet includes lots of healthy fats such as avocados, nuts and nut butters, seeds and olive oil.

It's past time to acknowledge that a plant-based diet is healthiest for us as individuals, a race, and a planet. This indicates that being a vegetarian has certain advantages, regardless of which category you belong to.

The nutrients listed below are found in particular fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C 

Vitamin C-rich foods are known for their sour taste and are good for preventing colds, mending wounds and skin inflammations, and keeping your bones, cartilage, gums, and teeth healthy. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in creating all body tissues, ensuring proper growth and development.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, are the best sources of vitamin C. Citrus foods range from orange juice to grapefruits. Foods that can provide 500 milligrams or more of Vitamin C per serving include broccoli, cabbage, kale, blackberries, grapefruit juice, guava nectar and bell peppers.

Vitamin C-rich plant foods include: • Cauliflower • Broccoli • Yellow bell peppers • Kiwi • Oranges • Strawberries • Lemons • Tomatoes • Winter squash

2. Vitamin A 

Vitamin A Beta carotene is transformed to vitamin A after digestion. Vitamin A is a vital component that protects your eyes and keeps your skin healthy and smooth. Because it is a potent antioxidant, it aids in the prevention and treatment of inflammation.

Good sources of vitamin A include: dark leafy greens like spinach and kale, carrots, apricots and even the winter squash family. One good thing about vitamin A is that just a few bites will provide you with all you need for the day.

Vitamin A is present in a wide range of fruits and vegetables, including: • Carrots • Mangoes • Sweet potatoes • Watermelon • Grapefruit • Cantaloupe • Red bell peppers

3. Quercetin

The flavonoid quercetin is the most abundant in the human diet. It's been related to better athletic performance, as well as lower inflammation, blood pressure, and blood sugar. It may also have anti-allergy, anti-cancer, and brain-protective qualities.

Because of its significant antioxidant capabilities, quercetin is an excellent anti-inflammatory. It alleviates allergy symptoms, reduces the danger of infections, heart disease, and maintains appropriate blood pressure levels, as well as reducing the risk of some types of malignancies.

Quercetin is involved in the production of energy, stimulating the digestive tract to work properly, inhibiting histamines that are useful to fight allergies and inflammations. It also helps prevent colon cancer.

It's present in the following plant foods: • Apples • Berries • Cranberries • Onions • Peppers • Capers • Parsley

4. Pectin

Pectin, a naturally occurring fiber found in fruits and vegetables, is essential for decreasing high cholesterol and diabetes. It also helps to prevent certain types of cancer. It also looks after your gut health by encouraging the growth of beneficial bacteria in your intestines.

Here are some foods rich in pectin: • Apples • Apricots • Pears • Guavas • Plums Oranges • Strawberries• Grapes• Cherries

5. Potassium

Potassium is commonly associated with exercise because of its capacity to promote metabolism while controlling healthy muscle movements, balancing bodily fluids, and maintaining healthy nerves. Because it's also an electrolyte, it helps to keep blood pressure in check while also lowering the risk of strokes, as well as stress and anxiety.

Potassium-rich foods include • Bananas • Mushrooms • Cucumbers • Eggplant • Zucchini • Cooked Broccoli • Cooked Spinach • And Beans Such As Lentils, Kidney Beans, Soybeans, And Lima Beans.

Right now is a fantastic time to take advantage of the abundance of healthful fruits and vegetables available in the fall. Of course, there are other healthy components to a plant-based diet, including vitamins E and K, important minerals like magnesium, zinc, iron, and iodine.

So there you have it! Allow yourself to get excited about the possibilities available when you switch out your animal-based diet for a plant-based one.