School of Health - Integrative Cancer Treatment - Integrative Oncology - Why do some people get more aggressive skin cancers than others?
School of Health - Integrative Cancer Treatment - Integrative Oncology - Why do some people get more aggressive skin cancers than others?
Since all three types can occur anywhere on your body where sunlight reaches, they may appear more frequently on areas that receive the most exposure; such as, your face and scalp. The single primary risk factor for all three types of skin cancers is exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV) from sunlight or other sources such as tanning beds. And it’s important to note that melanomas may also develop as a result of sunburns at an even earlier age than those who get only basal and squamous cell carcinomas. For this reason, individuals with very fair skin types are at a higher risk of developing melanoma than those with darker complexions.
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. The number of people affected by skin cancer is expected to increase in upcoming years due to population growth and increased exposure to UV radiation from sunlight. Skin cancers are also on the rise because many people don’t take sun protection seriously, spending time outdoors without sunscreen or seeking shade when appropriate.
The three types of skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. BCCs are slow-growing tumors that rarely metastasize or spread beyond the surface layer of skin tissue. SCCs are more aggressive malignancies with a higher risk for spreading into other organs if not treated early enough. Melanomas can be either benign or cancerous and are the most dangerous type of skin cancer because they can metastasize to other parts of the body.
There are three types of skin cancers – basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma
Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma are three different types of skin cancers. They can all be cured through surgery or other treatments if detected early enough. Basal cell carcinomas appear as waxy lumps on the skin that may look like pimples or cysts; they are typically flesh-colored with a pink tinge to them. Squamous cells form scaly patches of thickened, dry skin which is often itchy but not painful; these spots usually grow in size over time before they need to be removed surgically. Melanomas are more dangerous because their color ranges from brown to black and there’s no way for you to tell by just looking at your skin if one is present – these can be flat or raised; itchy or painless, and often appear on the arms, legs, face (not usually other areas like basal cell carcinoma), and are often irregular in shape.
People who have fair skin and light hair (redheads) are at a higher risk for developing skin cancers
People who have fair skin and light hair (redheads) are at a higher risk for developing skin cancers because they do not produce as much natural protection from UV rays as those with darker skin tones. This is because certain types of cells in their body called melanocytes, which produce melanin pigment that acts as a natural sunblock, are less active than in people with dark complexions. Even though redhead cells don’t create this pigment quite as well, they can still develop cancerous lesions on the skin if exposed to too many UV rays over time. To protect themselves from these dangers, redheads need to wear sunscreen every day and avoid prolonged exposure during peak hours when the sun is brightest.

Older people who spend time outdoors without sunscreen also increase their chances of getting more aggressive forms of skin cancer
This is because the sun can damage cells in our skin, and over time this will result in a greater risk for developing skin cancers. This includes squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. These are all very serious types of cancer that require treatment from a medical professional to be treated successfully. Even though these types of cancers are less common among older adults, they still do occur at higher rates than other age groups. For this reason, seniors need to take care when spending time outside during the day by using sunscreen or clothing with built-in protection against UV light exposure while being careful not to overdo it.
Those with a history or genetic predisposition to other cancers may be more likely to develop different kinds of skin cancers
Exposure to the sun’s UV rays is a known cause of skin cancer. However, people with family histories or genetic predispositions may be more susceptible to developing different kinds of cancers than others. For example, those who have had melanomas and basal cell carcinoma in the past are at an increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma later on in life. Knowing your risks can help you take steps to prevent future incidents from occurring by reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation and wearing sunscreen every day. Another factor that may increase your risk for skin cancer is having a fair complexion. People with lighter skin tones have less melanin, which is the natural pigment that helps to protect the skin from the sun’s UV rays. Because they are less protected, these individuals are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer. This is why it is so important for everyone, regardless of their skin tone, to wear sunscreen whenever they are going to be in the sun.
Other factors that can lead to increased risk include sunburns
Sun damage is a serious issue, so it’s important to understand the different factors that can lead to increased risk. Sunburns are one of these factors, but they’re not the only ones. Repeated exposure to sunlight over many years and prolonged use of tanning beds also increase your chances of developing skin cancer or other harmful conditions like premature aging. The more you know about how sun damage works about your lifestyle choices, the better equipped you’ll be at taking care of yourself while avoiding damaging effects on your health and appearance.