All About Healthy News Info

Finlayson Family Chiropractic

Mar 10

There are many creative people out there.

Many people think of Victorian-era young ladies being told to stand straight with a book in front of their heads. This same principle will be explained in our posture correction product.

Weight lifting regularly improves strength, cardiovascular fitness, and mobility. Other areas of the body can be put under strain like your spine.

What causes back pain after lifting weights.

Back pain can be caused by poor lifting technique or poor posture when lifting heavy weights.

There are some injuries more common than others. The most common injury that results from lifting weights to your neck or back is

  • Herniated disk.

  • Ligament and muscle tears. They are debilitating, and can be painful, as their names suggest.

Back pain could be caused by lifting weights

If you experience back pain after lifting weights, it is important that you seek professional help.

The spine can be treated by professional chiropractors using a variety of techniques.

A doctor can offer valuable advice on how to prevent further injury or pain. Your doctor will be able to give you valuable information on the best food and exercises to heal.

How can you stop your pain from getting worse?

Lifting weights may cause pain in your back or muscles.

  • Warm-up and stretch before you begin your session.

  • Don't lift weights on your back. Instead, concentrate on the muscles that you want to lift weights.

  • You can choose which areas of your body to focus on each day so that you don't get overexerted.

  • Increase repetitions but lose weight

  • Belts are a great way to support your spine and remind you how to lift properly.

Do not lift if you feel pain. It is possible to inflict injury by trying to force the pain away.

To find out more, visit Finlayson Family Chiropractic.