Hopefully, our readers won't just skim over today's blog since it has the words "root canal" in the title. Although many dental patients may experience fear during this specific process, there is no clear reason why this should be the case in the present world.
The risk of doing the surgery in cases when an abscess is present has decreased because to improved procedural procedures and the use of x-rays beforehand—something that is supposed to have contributed to the procedure's historical reputation for pain!
The actual root canal operation has been covered in past articles, so now we thought we would look at what our Rockhill patients need to do to preserve a tooth that has undergone this type of treatment. Even though a tooth that has been replaced in this method can operate largely normally, patients should be aware of a few factors.
When the soft pulp inside the tooth's root canals becomes infected, this procedure is performed. In addition to tiny blood vessels, this "pulp" also includes the tooth's nerves. This is the reason why the tooth needs a little more aftercare. We provide the following advice to River District Smiles patients who have undergone this procedure.
The most crucial point to make is that even though the tooth's nerves are no longer there, cleaning the teeth is still necessary. You should actually take extra care to keep it tidy. Regular brushing and flossing around the teeth are part of this. If you don't, you might no longer experience toothaches, but there are two serious threats to your dental health.
The most crucial point to make is that even though the tooth's nerves are no longer there, cleaning the teeth is still necessary. You should actually take extra care to keep it tidy. Regular brushing and flossing around the teeth are part of this. If you don't, you might no longer experience toothaches, but there are two serious threats to your dental health.
First, it's important to maintain the enamel's health as much as feasible. You should maintain the enamel as robust and healthy as you can because a root canal treated tooth is somewhat weaker than a healthy natural tooth. Additionally, because a crown was fitted to finish the root canal operation, if the enamel begins to erode, your crown could become unstable and pull away from the tooth.
Second is the potential for gum disease, which could affect all of your teeth. People who don't brush their gums along with their teeth are more likely to experience this. It's crucial to angle your toothbrush to clean the places where food gets stuck between the tooth and the gum. Food that has become stuck between the teeth should also be removed using floss. Remember that gum disease can cause loose teeth or even tooth loss in addition to other unpleasant symptoms like poor breath.
Another thing to keep in mind after this procedure is that, even though your treated tooth will still be strong enough for daily use, it won't be as strong as a tooth that is in good health naturally. You should keep this in mind when you are eating. When chewing on tougher foods, avoid using the treated tooth. It is not just weaker than a healthy tooth, but it also lacks nerves, making it challenging to determine exactly how much pressure you are applying when you bite into something. Due to the interaction of these two elements, harm to the tooth may result from inadequate treatment.
Although it may seem unnecessary, this procedure is now the sole option for saving a tooth that has been infected in this manner. The tooth extraction and placement of a dental implant or equivalent prosthesis are the only available options. A root canal treated tooth can work well with a little care and should be anticipated to last a long time if you take good care of it, so even if this is something you might want to think about in the future.
At River District Smiles, we are committed to providing our patients with the best possible care. As part of this commitment, we want to make sure that you are well-informed about all aspects of your dental health. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help!