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What are Different Spider Species in Boise Idaho

Sep 10

Different Species of Spiders in Boise, Idaho and How to Treat Them


The Boise area is home to dangerous spiders, such as black widows and hobos. However most have much less potent venom that poses minimal risks for human health (although they can still hurt!). Some common ones you may notice inside your house include orb weavers, jumping spiders and cellar spiders which are often referred to as "daddy long legs"


These spiders can be oufnd in a variety of places ouutdoors, including under rocks or boards, in trees or bushes, near water sources (such as swimming pools), or even inside homes and other buildings. If you have any of these spiders on your property, it's important to take measures to get rid of them so that they don't pose a threat to you or your family.



What are the Most Dangerous Spiders in Boise?


Black widow spiders and hobo spiders are the two most dangerous types of spiders in Boise. Black widow spiders are easily recognizable by their shiny black bodies and red hourglass shape on their abdomen. They build webs in dark places like basements or closets and can also be found outside in areas like woodpiles or sheds. Hobo spiders are brown and have a violin-shaped mark on their bodies. They build webs in corners and around window frames and can also be found outside under rocks or in dense vegetation.


How to Get Rid of Spiders in Boise


If you have spiders on your property, you can do a few things to get rid of them. First, make sure to seal any cracks or holes in the exterior of your home so that spiders can't get inside. Second, remove any spider webs that you see. Third, try using a spider repellent. There are a few different kinds of spider repellents that you can use, including natural repellents like mint or citrus oil, or chemical repellents like DEET. Finally, if you have a serious spider problem, you may need to call an exterminator.


How to Prevent Spiders in Boise


The best way to prevent spiders is to keep them from getting into your home in the first place. Make sure to seal any cracks or holes in the exterior of your home, and check screens and doors to make sure they're free of holes. You should also remove any spider webs that you see, and try using a spider repellent. Finally, if you have a serious spider problem, you may need to call a pest control professional. They can help you eliminate the spiders and prevent them from returning.