Cold laser therapy is low-intensity laser therapy that stimulates healing while using low levels of light.

The technique is called “cold” laser therapy because the low levels of light aren’t enough to heat your body’s tissue. The level of light is low when compared to other forms of laser therapy, such as those used to destroy tumors and coagulate tissue.

Surgical and aesthetic lasers heat the tissue being treated. True to its name, cold laser therapy does not.

Cold laser therapy Migraine Headache Treatment  is also known as:

  • low-level laser therapy (LLLT)
  • low-power laser therapy (LPLT)
  • soft laser biostimulation
  • photobiomodulation

How does cold laser migraine headache therapy work?

During this procedure, different wavelengths and outputs of low-level light are applied directly to a targeted area. The body tissue then absorbs the light. The red and near-infrared light cause a reaction, and the damaged cells respond with a physiological reaction that promotes regeneration.

Superficial tissue is commonly treated with wavelengths between 600 and 700 nanometers (nm). For deeper penetration, wavelengths between 780 and 950 nm are used.

Although you’ll feel the laser device touching your skin, the procedure is painless and noninvasive. There will be no sound and you’ll feel no vibration or heat. Each treatment typically takes only a few minutes. The use of cold laser therapy is growing in traditional medical practice and as a complementary or alternative therapy. It’s approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a number of conditions.

Cold laser therapy is considered safe when performed under the care of a doctor or qualified practitioner. On the plus side, it’s also non-invasive and painless. It doesn’t require medication or other preparation either. One of the drawbacks of this therapy may be time. While each cold laser therapy session only takes a few minutes, it may take as long as a month (with as many as four treatments a week) before you can gauge its effectiveness. It also may not be covered by your insurance. Cold laser therapy devices are readily available to use at home. If you’re considering purchasing a device for home use, there are a few important things to consider.

First, lasers vary in their output and some may not have the output they claim. Some are actually nonlaser light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Second, some cold therapy products sold for home use make bold claims about what they can do. Research into the effectiveness and safety of cold laser therapy is ongoing. Not enough information on optimal treatment protocol is available. However, proponents feel that it can be a good alternative for people who want to avoid invasive treatments and reliance on medications that offer palliative results that are mostly temporary.