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Southwestern Hearing Centers Educates Parents On The Normal Hearing Range For Their Child

Apr 8

It is very important for parents to know what the normal hearing range is for a child. Children need to have their hearing tested regularly because they can lose their ability to hear without any symptoms. The effects are noticeable in children who have lost their hearing, but there will be no signs that anything is wrong with them if it wasn't detected early enough.


How can you tell if your child has hearing loss? There are some signs that will let parents know their children need to be tested for a possible problem. A sign might include not responding when called, difficulty understanding what is being said in noisy environments and problems with speech comprehension; these could all indicate the possibility of an auditory issue or impairment which needs assessment by medical professionals as soon they become apparent.


There are four different types of hearing loss: conductive, sensorineural, mixed, and auditory neuropathy.  Conductive hearing loss is caused by problems with the middle ear, such as fluid blocking sound waves. Sensorineural (or nerve) deafness occurs when there are issues in or near to one of two tiny bones that relay vibrations from hair cells located within a person's inner ears into their brainstems and auditory cortices-this type accounts for 90%

of all cases where children have some form on impairment related primarily to poor audibility resulting not only due to diminished sounds but also because they can't process what others say clearly enough; this means communication difficulties arise which may lead any social interaction difficult if it isn’t detected earlier than later .


School-age children will have regular hearing tests throughout elementary school in most states. They are done by the school nurse or a speech pathologist. 

There are many different types of hearing tests for children, and they can be done by a medical professional or at home.   The test is done in two parts: first the child wears headphones that play pure tones into each ear one-at -a time; then he/she listens to speech sounds with head phones on (or just over their ears if there's any concern about noise levels affecting them) . As long as no other problems have been found during these screenings your pediatrician will want you come back around age six years old again when it’s likely some mild form may still go undetected.