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The Magic Of Our Mitochondria

Oct 7

Your body's mitochondria, which are found in your cells, convert oxygen and food into energy. Every cell has hundreds of thousands to thousands mitochondria. They are the power plant of the cell. Mitochondria are genetically unique and passed on from mother to daughter. Mitochondria, which are often overlooked in our cells' genome, are also responsible for many of the diseases we experience. Dr. Doug Wallace PhD, geneticist, evolutionary biologist and pioneer of mitochondrial research, found that dysfunctional mitochondria were responsible for at least 85% of current chronic diseases. Things can quickly fall apart if our mitochondria don't provide enough energy for our bodies. This could lead to diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity, type 3 cancer, autoimmune diseases and Alzheimer's. Your health and longevity can be greatly improved by maintaining or improving your mitochondria health.

Most cells have mitochondria that connect and disconnect. This network is constantly changing, so it can adapt to many conditions. Mitochondria have the ability to fuse and then split again. This fission-fusion dynamic may be disrupted and cause health problems. Your genes and the environment you live in play a major role in your overall health. Mitochondria play a key role in epigenetics, the control of DNA. While epigenetics cannot change the DNA sequence like genetic changes do, they can alter how your body interprets it. The software system that runs our hardware DNA is called mitochondria.

The modern industrialized lifestyle has caused a lot of stress to our mitochondria and ultimately our gene expression. Only humans have created their own artificial environments in order to achieve progress and comfort. The great minds of Edison and Tesla have bombarded us with artificial light, radio waves (TV signals), cell phone towers, 5G and wifi. These new energies can be foreign to the body and its epigenetics. Our mitochondria are responsible for adapting our bodies to these stressors. Simply put, healthy mitochondria = healthy person; unhealthy mitochondria = sickness/disease.

We know from experience that our energy levels decrease as we get older. It is the mitochondria that causes this decline in youthfulness. We lose 10% of our mitochondria every 10 years after we reach 30 years old. The condition of heteroplasmy occurs when some of the mitochondria in cells are not working properly or are damaged. The state of homoplasmy is the opposite. Dr. Doug Wallace PhD, pioneered the use human mitochondrial DNA (a molecular marker) and was the first person to show that heteroplasmy is correlated with disease. He discovered that mitochondria are only passed down from mothers. His research led to the identification of a "Mitochondrial Eve" and 23 & Me, also use his work in order to determine our ancestral linesage.

Dr. Nick Lane PhD, University College London, says that more mitochondria is key to longevity in his epic book Power, Sex, Suicide. Mitochondria, the Meaning of Life. He claims this could cure all old-age diseases at once. They are especially important for muscles and the heart, as mitochondria accumulate in tissues and organs with high energy needs. Although aging can be a complicated process that involves many physical changes and many other changes, science has made it possible to gain a lot of insight into why we age, how cellular processes change over time, as well as the crucial role cell health plays in our aging process. The current evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a significant role in accelerated cell aging.

The role of the mitochondria in fat loss is also important. This is one reason Liv24 was founded. We aim to optimize mitochondrial health by increasing mitochondrial density and optimizing your existing mitochondria. Our methods include light exposure, circadian biology and controlled cold exposure. We alter the epigenetics to improve mitochondrial health and fat loss.


References :

Doug Wallace PhD, Mitochondria & the Future of Medicine: The Key To Understanding Disease, Chronic Illness and Aging and Living Itself

Nick Lane PhD: Power, Sex and Suicide: Mitochondria & the Meaning Of Life The Mitochondrial Basis of Aging and Age-Related Disorders Effects of obesity and weight loss on mitochondrial structure and function and implications for colorectal cancer risk Mitochondrial aging and age-related dysfunction of mitochondria